Pakistan Approves Plan to Deport Over 1 Million Afghans

Pakistan Approves Plan to Deport Over 1 Million Afghans

Pakistan has made a significant decision in its policy regarding Afghan refugees, with a focus on the ongoing tensions between the two nations. In a recent development, Pakistan has chosen to repatriate over 1.1 million Afghan refugees who are residing in the country without legal status.

The decision was officially approved by the caretaker federal cabinet, using a circulation summary. The plan entails a phased approach: firstly, Afghan refugees who are residing unlawfully and have not renewed their visas will be asked to leave. In the second phase, Afghan citizens without proper documentation will be repatriated, while in the third phase, those with proof of residence cards will be encouraged to return.

The Ministry of Interior has worked closely with various stakeholders, including the Afghan government, in crafting this comprehensive plan.

It’s important to note that approximately 400,000 refugees entered Pakistan illegally after the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. Additionally, another 700,000 Afghans living in Pakistan were identified as residing illegally. The cabinet has given the green light to authorities to arrange for the return of all these individuals to Afghanistan.

In related news, a recent crackdown on illegal immigrants by Karachi police resulted in the arrest of 293 Afghan nationals for residing in the city without valid travel documents. This operation was conducted in various districts, and those arrested will face legal consequences.

This decision to repatriate Afghan refugees comes amid heightened tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan regarding the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Some experts speculate that Pakistan’s increased efforts against illegal Afghan refugees may be connected to the Afghan Taliban’s reluctance to take action against the TTP. In fact, a Pakistani delegation recently visited Kabul to press the Taliban government to address the TTP issue.

Pakistan has a long history of hosting Afghan refugees, with millions residing in the country at various points. However, the number of Afghan refugees with valid refugee cards, according to official records, is significantly lower.

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