Pakistan premier hits out at western envoys over Russia letter

Pakistan premier hits out at western envoys over Russia letter

Prime Minister Imran Khan hit out on Sunday at Islamabad-based Western envoys who last week asked Pakistan to censure Russia’s activities in Ukraine, inquiring as to whether they suspected Pakistan was a “slave”.

Observing the letter sent off to the Gov. by the European Union ambassadors over the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the PM asked the EU representatives whether they had sent such a letter to India.

He said it was Pakistan that had upheld Nato in the war on terror.”The rulers at that time supported these countries. What was the outcome of that war: Pakistan lost 80,000 precious lives, 3.5 million people in the tribal areas were displaced while the country suffered an economic loss of $100 billion dollars.”

The PM said that as opposed to recognizing such huge sacrifices, certain nations in the West faulted Pakistan for their failures in Afghanistan.  “I ask EU ambassadors, did you thank us? Did you say we helped you in your war? Did you appreciate us?”

He also reminded the EU agents that as opposed to expressing gratitude toward Pakistan, there were certain individuals in the West that scapegoated Islamabad.“In Kashmir, India brazenly violated the UNSC resolutions. Have you criticised or severed ties with India or stopped trade?” the state leader inquired. Alluding to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the state leader said that they didn’t need stressed relations with any country.

“We desire good ties with all countries, including Russia, the US and China, and will not become a part of any camp,” he said, adding that Pakistan would try to stop the conflict in Ukraine and would support such endeavours as its effects were bringing about monetary burdens across the world, with costs of gas and oil spiralling.

“Pakistan will not be a partner in any war, but will support all efforts for peace,” he emphasized.
He said around 400 drone attacks were recorded from 2008 to 2018 in Pakistan. Ever, it had never happened that a nation battling another’s conflict had been attacked.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan

The two previous ruling families never assembled the guts to scrutinize this gross infringement of the worldwide regulations, he said, adding, they never felt embarrassed over such drone attacks focusing on innocent families in the ancestral regions. The top state leader cautioned he would guide the aviation air force to destroy any drone violating Pakistan’s airspace.

Imran Khan said he was brought into the world by the parents who had shown him not to become compliant with anybody. “I have neither bowed before anyone nor will let the nation bow before any other country,” he pronounced.

He further said that Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari can’t take on a free international strategy as they have financial balances in outside nations where they have reserved their stolen cash and where their kids reside and appreciate extravagant life.

The heads of 22 diplomatic missions delivered a joint letter on March 1 asking Pakistan to help with the resolution in the United Nations General Assembly denouncing Russia’s hostility against Ukraine.

In the event, Pakistan, a traditional ally of the West, abstained from voting as the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly reprimanded Russia for invading Ukraine. He said Pakistan had suffered because it had supported the Western Nato alliance in Afghanistan, and instead of gratitude faced criticism. On Friday, a Pakistani foreign office spokesman said it was “not usual diplomatic practice” for envoys to make appeals such as their letter public, “and we have made that clear”.

The transition to deliver the letter openly was intriguing. “What do you think of us? Are we slaves … that whatever you say, we will do?” Khan said while tending to a political rally.

On the occasion, Pakistan, a customary partner of the West, went without casting a ballot as the U.N. General Assembly predominantly criticized Russia for attacking Ukraine.

He said Pakistan had endured on the grounds that it had upheld the Western Nato partnership in Afghanistan, and on second thought of appreciation confronted analysis. On Friday, a Pakistani unfamiliar office representative said it was “not usual diplomatic practice” for agents to make requests like their letter public, “and we have made that clear”.

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